India Alternatives Investment Advisors Pvt Ltd is fully committed to ensure adherence by all portfolio companies to the ESG standards defined by IFC.
For any questions or concerns pertaining to the Fund’s Environmental & Social Policy and/or of the portfolio investments financed by the Fund, please reach out to us at: or you can write to us at our office address.
We will respond to any such queries within 30 business days from the receipt of the communication.
Where the question or concern relates to a portfolio investment financed by the Fund, the interested or affected person(s) are first encouraged to discuss the matter directly with the portfolio company. In cases where the concerns are not addressed sufficiently at the portfolio company level, please write to us.
There is no cost or fee associated with submitting a question or concern. Interested and affected parties can request confidentiality of identity. Please provide the following information while submitting any question or concern:
Name and contact information of the sender
Name of the company to which the concern relates
Description of the concern and any supporting documentation
Date of the incident or action giving rise to the complaint (if applicable)
Specific remedy sought (if applicable)
Any other information as deemed appropriate by the sender